
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Google+ Shutting Down for consumers


Google is shutting down the google+ on 2 April 2019 and for complete shutdown it will take  10 months.
The decision follows the revelation of a previously undisclosed security flaw that exposed users’ profile data that was remedied in March 2018.

Google says Google+ currently has “low usage and engagement” and that 90 percent of Google+ user sessions last less than five seconds. Still, the company plans to keep the service alive for enterprise customers who use it to facilitate conversation among co-workers. New features will be rolled out for that use case, the company says. Google is focusing on a “secure corporate social network,” which is odd considering this announcement comes alongside news that the company left profile details unprotected

In addition to sunsetting Google+, the company announced new privacy adjustments for other Google service. API changes will limit developers’ access to data on Android devices and Gmail. Developers will no longer receive call log and SMS permissions on Android devices and contact interaction data won’t be available through the Android Contacts API. That same also API provided basic interaction data, like who you last messaged, and that permission is also being revoked.

As for the Gmail changes, the company is updating its User Data Policy for the consumer version of the email service. This will limit apps and the scope of their access to user data. Ben Smith, Google fellow and VP of engineering, writes: “Only apps directly enhancing email functionality — such as email clients, email backup services and productivity services (e.g., CRM and mail merge services) — will be authorized to access this data.”

Any developer who has this access will have to undergo security assessments and agree to new rules about data handling, like not transferring or selling user data for targeting ads, market research, email campaign tracking, or other unrelated purposes.

Google previously tried to quell privacy concerns earlier this year after The Wall Street Journal detailed how common it is for third-party app developers to be able to read and analyze users’ Gmail messages. At the time, Suzanne Frey, the director of the company’s security, trust, & privacy division of Google Cloud, emphasized that users should review what apps have access to their accounts and revoke it if necessary. Last year, Google announced that it would stop its long-standing practice of scanning the contents of individual Gmail users for advertising purposes. Of course, the company still has plenty of data it can target advertisements against, like Search history, YouTube views, and other Chrome actions.

These most recent changes are being attributed to an internal Google effort called Project Strobe, which involved a review of “third-party developer access to Google account and Android device data and of our philosophy around apps’ data access,” according to Google.

For more information visit here

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Times when avengers 4 movie title “End Game” reveal in movies

There are two movies where Marvel gives us hit of avenger 4 movie title.
The first movie is Avengers:Age of Ultron and second is Avengers: Infinity War.
After the fighting with Ultron in tony stark's party, Tony stark  reveal the avengers 4 title while argumentation.

Look at the below video

The second movie is Avengers: Infinity War where doctor strange giving hit of avenger 4 movie title.
When Dr.strange pass the time stone to Thanos that time he saying “we are in the End Game”.

Watch the below video.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Hyundai is building a car that can walk on four legs


I'll admit I'm one of those people that has looked derisively at the AT-AT Walkers in "Star Wars" and other weird walking vehicles from various science fiction franchises in the past. I mean, walking is mechanically more complicated, slower and less efficient than a rolling wheel - hence the dearth of any practical walking vehicles. At least, until now.

Hyundai debuted a video animation at CES 2019 in Las Vegas showing off its walking car concept dubbed "Elevate." Unlike the All Terrain Armored Transport that George Lucas threw into the Battle of Hoth, this vehicle involves some inspired engineering that I wouldn't mind having along for some epic back-county skiing or biking trips some day. But just like the AT-AT, I sure wouldn't want one pursuing me, ever.


While it's not armed with laser cannons (yet), Elevate's mobility capability is impressive thanks to what Hyundai calls "five degrees of freedom," which is how it describes the five different joints on the legs that connect to each wheel. The legs can fold up, allowing the vehicle to drive like a normal car but can also enable it to go just about anywhere by either rolling or walking when unfolded. Here's how the company describes it:

"This design is uniquely capable of both mammalian and reptilian walking gaits, allowing it to move in any direction. The legs also fold up into a stowed drive-mode... this allows Elevate to drive at highway speeds just like any other vehicle. But no other can climb a five foot wall, step over a five foot gap, walk over diverse terrain, and achieve a 15 foot wide track width, all while keeping its body and passengers completely level."

The concept comes from Hyundai Cradle, the carmaker's venture arm that invests and partners with innovative startups. The partner for Elevate isn't exactly a startup however: Detroit-based design firm Sundberg-Ferar has been around since 1934. Hyundai is pitching the concept as the future of disaster response, especially when rescue might involve navigating debris fields, as well as a resource for people living with disabilities and other day-to-day scenarios.

“Imagine a car stranded in a snow ditch just ten feet off the highway being able to walk or climb over the treacherous terrain, back to the road potentially saving its injured passengers – this is the future of vehicular mobility,” said Sundberg-Ferar design manager David Byron.

Elevate is also a fully electric vehicle with a modular design that allows for the entire cabin to be swapped out, enabling completely different applications such as military use. Of course, right now all we have is the above video and a small scale model Hyundai had on stage at CES. I reached out to Hyundai to ask how far along they are on producing a proof of concept and will let you know what the company has to say. 

Friday, March 1, 2019

Govt mulls stopping foreigners from skilled jobs below RM10,000 pay grade

PETALING JAYA: The government plans to stop foreigners from working in jobs with salaries below RM10,000.Human Resources Minister M Kulasegaran said Putrajaya was considering the abolition of the Category II and Category III employment passes given to expatriate workers.

There are three categories of employment passes. Category I refers to jobs paying RM10,000 and above, Category II is for salaries between RM5,000 and RM10,000, and Category III is for jobs below RM5,000.
Kulasegaran said Putrajaya was planning to only keep Category I, with the first and second categories to be phased out.

“We hope this can be done as soon as possible,” he told reporters after officiating the new Malaysia Expatriate Talent Service Centre (MYXpats Centre) today.He also said the plan would be first discussed with stakeholders.

He said the government wanted to ensure more Malaysians could fill up jobs under the second and third category.Last year, there were a total 117,000 expatriates working under several sectors, with 2,158 expatriates working under Category III, the minister said.